Mobile Rescue
August 15, 2015 2:24 pmIf your vehicle, for technical difficulty, has no capacity of driving or its movement will run some risks, in every hour of day and night, across the country, you can contact Mobile Rescue Center at Kaveh Diesel’s After Sales Services so that our rescue crew, by removing the technical difficulty, will restart your vehicle as soon as possible. Repairing all Kaveh Diesel’s manufactured vehicles within warranty period is subject to warranty conditions and all authorized Kaveh Diesel’s agencies shall accept and repair these vehicles.
Manner of Presenting Services
- For requesting Mobile Rescue, you must call Kaveh Diesel’s Mobile Rescue Center at 09369258194 . After declaring your vehicle chassis number and other required specification, necessary coordination for dispatching Mobile Rescue from our nearest Agency will be implemented.
- Upon repair completion, review the repot of inspection (service report) and repairs’ details of the vehicle in your Mobile Service’s bill (invoice). If the bill confirmed, sign and demand for one copy from our mobile staff.
- Later after our Mobile Services, our staff in survey division will contact you to obtain your feedback. Please provide your comments regarding the services you received.
- If required components for replacement are covered by warranty conditions, the faulty components shall be collected by Kaveh diesel and picked by our mobility staff. Otherwise, the mobility staff shall return faulty component to the customer and obtain its receipt.
Required Documents
Vehicle ID card (registration Card)